sharing sounds and smiles in btv since 2013

About - the Burlington Music Dojo

our approach


Teaching music is a very special skill which requires a deep knowledge of the instrument and/or human voice, real world experience making and performing music, and the patience (perhaps the most important part), understanding and positivity to teach. To nurture a productive, enjoyable learning experience it takes more than just a technical wizard. A great instructor displays a positive temperament at all times, has excellent communication skills, and an absolute focus on the experience of the student. …it should never be about the teacher, it should always be about the student.

In addition to our experience and musical ability, our fantastic family of instructors shares a common belief in the power of teaching music positively. Learning to sing and play should always remain an enjoyable experience and we love helping make this happen in each and every lesson.

We invite you to come share in the power of music with us!

Our Space


Located in the vibrant South End Arts District of Vermont’s biggest city, the Dojo serves as a hub for music learning, making, and celebration featuring state-of-the-art spacious studio rooms for lessons and rehearsals.

These are not your run-of-the-mill, typical cramped practice spaces. All of The Burlington Music Dojo's studios feature windowed-doors, sound-insulation, plenty of room to move, air-conditioning, and are fully-equipped with WIFI and MP3 player-ready technology. There's even enough space for parents too, so grab a cup of joe from Speeder's next door and hang out for the lesson.

It all Started when...

About - The Burlington Music Dojo

Founded in 2013, the driving force behind the creation of the Dojo was a desire to bring together excellent, independent and active local teachers who believe in the positive power of sharing music and give them the perfect atmosphere in a great location in which to teach. Since then, little-by-little, we’ve grown into a vibrant collective of some of the very best music teachers Vermont has to offer.

Interested in Joining the Dojo?


Are you a talented musician with the positivity, patience, knowledge, understanding, communication skills, and passion required to teach? …interested in joining our unique collective of local, independent, and totally awesome music instructors? If so, inquire below!