the Music is a language scholarship
A new way to help Vermont youth have access to lessons
In partnership with the Colorado-based non-profit Music is a Language orginization, we’re thrilled to offer this special Scholarship which provides 5 flexible hours of fully funded lessons to each recipient. This program is for kids under the age of 18 who would benefit from lessons and might otherwise go without due to financial LIMITATIONS.
About the Music Is A Language organization
“Mission: Music is a Language is a 501c3 nonprofit based in Colorado dedicated to music education by providing funding and resources to schools and afterschool programs around the county.
Vision: We imagine a world where all children have access to musical equipment and music education. ‘Music is a Language, Inc’ strives to improve adolescence mental health, self-esteem and productivity to strengthen self confidence, relationships and communities.
Values: We believe music is a core building block to the foundation of adolescent development.”